Tuesday, 10 January 2012

'Be warned against chemtrails’

Image: A photo of a "chemtrail" (on the left) as supplied by Mr TS Thomas who says that the "chemtrails" disperse into a cloud-like shape. These "clouds" contains a powdery substance that falls to the ground. It is not the same as a ‘contrail’ (on the right), the vapour trail behind a jet, he says.

GEORGE NEWS - "Chemtrails", which allegedly contain chemicals that are harmful to people, can be noticed in the Georgian sky on a regular basis. This is according to a resident, Mr TS Thomas who has been sending the George Herald e-mails during the past few months, urging for the public to be informed.

"Chemtrails" should not be dismissed as contrails, the normal vapour trail left behind a jet," says Thomas. Chemtrails contain harmful chemicals and are sprayed to induce illnesses among the population, including respiratory problems and asthma.
"You can actually see chemtrails every day, but they are mostly behind the normal clouds. There's no mistaking this. People are getting sick and are even dying," says Thomas.

The George Herald published a letter by Brett Mathers in 2010 in which he also warns of "chemtrails" over George. He wrote, "These are not the usual contrails that a plane’s engines emit at around 25 000 feet, but trails of nasty chemicals that are intentionally sprayed over large populations at around 12 000ft. A laboratory analysis of these chemtrails reveals the following composition: Chemicals, pathogens, bacteria, heavy metals, nanorobots, biological weapons and much more."

According to Mathers’ letter, after chemtrails are sprayed, "reports of illness increase substantially", including persistent coughs, upper respiratory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, fatigue, dizziness, disorientation, headaches and aching joints and muscles.

"Much of it is reported as flu and everyone but a few know that much of it is poisons dropped over our heads, inhaled, absorbed through our skins, and consumed in our food."

But, says local resident Paul Neser, who flew for the SA Air Force for 37 years, airplanes that spray chemicals must be equipped with air spray equipment, and there are very of these.

He explained that around each airfield, the air space is controlled by the control tower in a radius of 25 sea miles and two to three thousand feet into the air. Outside of this is a bigger area through which traffic is allowed, but when passing through, a plane must alert the control tower.

Neser says the trails that are seen above George are contrails that contain only water. "Water vapour emitted by the engine forms ice crystals when coming into contact with the cold air and form clouds, which is what people see."

Wikipedia refers to "chemtrails" as a conspiracy theory which is "not accepted by the scientific community" and says, "The existence of chemtrails has been repeatedly denied by scientists around the world, who say the trails are normal contrails."


- George Herald


  1. I love your blog and follow it religiously but I do wonder some times how articles like this make it on. I appreciate that if one reads the entire article the final paragraph states that these "chemtrails" are in fact a conspiracy and have not been accepted scientifically, but the title and the rest of the article don't make this clear. As a largely scientific blog I'd suggest you shy away from conspiracy theories.

  2. My credulity is also a little stretched when it comes to this subject. Winds and temperatures at varying will make aircraft trails (contrails) disperse at different rates, thus creating this perceived difference.

  3. i was wondering if there is something in our water supply - yeah, okay, i'm a bit nutty, but if i were a real scientist, i'd do some serious testing, coz there's something in the air that's causing a bit of coughing that has no relation to colds or 'flu, not making one feel sick, but just coughing from nowhere, it seems... my cough has been here for at least three months now... i wish i could remember the name of the substance that causes a cough... it was something like maloxon... if i come across the name again, i'll post it... and, it's not only me who's complaining of a "cough that came to stay"... anyways, lots of weirdness out there, just gotta keep one's own home and nose clean as possible...
