Image: A photo of a "chemtrail" (on the left) as supplied by Mr TS Thomas who says that the "chemtrails" disperse into a cloud-like shape. These "clouds" contains a powdery substance that falls to the ground. It is not the same as a ‘contrail’ (on the right), the vapour trail behind a jet, he says.
GEORGE NEWS - A little research on the Internet revealed that reports of "chemtrails" apparently started emerging in the late 90s in the US, where chemtrail believers accuse the government of spreading harmful chemicals through such methods.
According to, a website dedicated to the topic, the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post have reported in the past that civilians may have died as a result of exposure to live agents sprayed by the Army and Navy during biological warfare tests.
Some European countries are allegedly also subjected to such campaigns. And the forces behind these campaigns are believed to be governments and "the militaries of the world". quotes from a research project on chemtrail formation over Houston, Texas done during 2000. It was found that "highly persistent trails lasting for many hours" were seen above Houston on the majority of days during the data collection period.
"Additionally it was discovered that the jets that were responsible for leaving highly persistent trails that last for hours did not ever appear on Flight Explorer." (Flight Explorer is an Internet-based flight-tracking tool that allows the user to obtain information about commercial, passenger, and private flights.
Military flights are filtered from the data stream.) The flights not identified on Flight Explorer during the research period, were observed to produce trails "with persistence from 20 seconds to several hours". These would be the alleged "chemtrails".
The aim of chemtrail spraying
There are three alleged reasons for spraying chemicals over cities, according to weather manipulation, depopulation (killing people) and inoculation of the population.
On the Internet you will even find tips on how to detox from the chemicals and heavy metals resulting from chemtrails. It is up to the reader to decide whether you need such a detox if you are a resident of George.
- George Herald
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