Monday 10 December 2012

Hailstorm: over 200 homes destroyed

Disaster management officials say more than 200 homes have been damaged in a massive hailstorm in the Ladysmith area last night.

Danny Mkhize, who is with eMnambithi Municipality, says they opened up community halls in the area last night to provide shelter for the hundreds affected.

He says this morning their teams will go out with plastic sheeting to help secure houses that have badly damaged roofs.

"We are trying to now to see the exact extent [of the damage], because most of the houses you can't see [the damage] from outside.

"It is when you go inside where you see it, because it was coming directly from above and ripping through the roofs," he said.

Click here for photos of the hail.

- East Coast Radio News

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe the amount of damage that the hailstorm has done and how we keep getting worse and worse natural disasters over the years. When ill it end?

    -Keystone Contracting Corp.
    Roofing Contractor Queens
