Sunday 6 January 2013

Angler bitten by Bronze Whaler Shark at Monwabisi

At approximately 09:00 yesterday morning [Friday, 04 January 2013] an angler was fishing in the surf between Monwabisi and Macassar.

The man caught a shark which he described as a Bronze Whaler and brought it to the surf.

As he attempted to take out the hook the shark bit him on his lower leg (calf) resulting in obvious profuse bleeding.

Officers of the City’s Law Enforcement & Specialized Services Wayne Visagie and Jochemes Marias responded to the call for assistance.

Officer Visagie rendered first aid to the victim and an ambulance was summoned.

The angler refused to be transported to hospital by an ambulance and opted to go with his private vehicle.

The victim was identified as David Du Toit who is from Klerksdorp. The person refused to provide further details.


Issued by: Disaster Risk Management Centre, City of Cape Town

Source: Wilfred Solomons-Johannes, Head: Systems Integration, Special Projects & Disaster Operations, Disaster Risk Management Centre, City of Cape Town


  1. The person refused to provide further details. shame i was enjoying that but then ..

    END heheheh

  2. He he he ... I was also loving this. Did he bite a bit out of his leg, or was it just a gentle love-bite?

    Herman L, Sea Point
