Friday 4 January 2013

HAMNET Bulletin: January 2013

HAMNET (IARU Region 1) dedicated emergency communication frequencies are:-
80m band – 3,760 MHz, 40m band, 7,110 MHz.  20m band – 14,300 MHz.


HAMNET conforms to and abides by the IARU discipline of engaging in emergency communication locally and worldwide during and after disasters as internationally Amateur Radio is regarded as a National Resource!

HAMNET, as a group of volunteers, supports Disaster Risk Management in South Africa and serves on the sub committee of the South African Search & Rescue Organisation – SASAR!

It is recommended that when becoming a member of HAMNET, you also become an SARL member to abide by and conform to the IARU International and HAMNET rules regarding emergency communication!

All HAMNET information is available on alternatively just follow the link!  Weekly updates are supplied to Amateur Radio Today on Sunday’s and a monthly bulletin is supplied to members and available on the SARL website and as a podcast!

You can also follow us on Facebook    and Twitter


I had the opportunity to do the N3 run down to Durban on Saturday the 29th – going to Southbroom to collect my father-in-law, and back on Sunday the 30th.

To my surprise, the drivers in general were very courteous, considerate and the road in almost mint condition.

However, our problems start today, New Year ’s Day and many people will be returning home during this coming week as schools in the inland areas re-open on the 9th and coastal areas on the 16th.

The carnage on the roads will continue, and there is not much we can do about it but hope that new legislation will be introduced to contain the unfortunate daily occurrence on our roads.

We will continue to monitor 7,110 MHz until mid-January and we thank all those who spent some time listening to our emergency frequencies!


This is a decision that did not come easily!  As many of you may know, Estelle is not in good health and will probably need a lot of care and attention for quite a while yet – if not indefinitely!

My ailing father-in-law, (approaching 90 years of age), who has been in Southbroom for many years, has also undergone a series of set-backs that is cause for concern with result that during the last week-end of December, 2012, I had to motor down to Southbroom to bring him up to us so that we can take care of him as well.

The fact is I now have two people to care for with result that all my other activities have now taken a back seat.

This decision has been fully discussed with Council and the decision has been taken that I will not make myself available for re-election to Council for the period starting after the AGM in April 2013.

This also means that the position of Director of HAMNET must be filled.

An advisory was sent out at the end of December to all Provincial Directors telling them of my situation and will now leave it to them and Council to decide as to my successor.

I will continue to do as much as I possibly can and there are some items that I could still continue doing for quite a while as it does not require much effort like issuing ID cards, maintaining the Database, maintaining the Grant fund etc. until such time as new appointments have been finalised!

After 12 years at the helm, and having learnt so much from the people that I have met over the years from all over the world, learning from their experiences and passing it on to our local conditions, I personally feel a good foundation is in place and I have no qualms about stepping down for someone with new ideas to take the helm!

I will still be around for quite a while so don’t just write me off. But my commitment has now reached the point where regretfully I need to pass it to a person who hopefully has the same passion to take Hamnet into the future!

This regretfully is a very short and concise bulletin due to my changed circumstances!  I wish you all a prosperous and – above all – healthy New Year!

- End

Comments suggestions and contributions please contact or send to: or or at 011 679-5260 or 083 585-3847. Fax 086-580.6110.

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