Thursday 3 January 2013

NSRI - THURSDAY 3rd January 2013 - East London

STATION 07 East London:

At 13h00 on Thursday the 3rd of January the East London NSRI duty crew were called out after reports from members of the public of a vessel in difficulty off Kaysers beach, approximately 40 km south west of East London.

East London METRO rescue and Port of Entry Police were also activated.

According to East London station commander Geoff McGregor, the sea conditions were appalling with a seven metre swell running and a 57 knot South Westerly wind blowing.

The East London rescue vehicle was sent down to coast to monitor the progress of the vessel, which turned out to be the small tug “North Star,” and the 13 metre Sea Rescue boat Spirit of Lotto was launched from East London harbour.

The Sea Rescue vehicle was able to monitor the progress of the tug from land, and as sea conditions were so bad, the Sea Rescue boat Spirit of Lotto returned to the safety of East London harbour after 1,3 hours.

The North Star is on route from Cape Town to Durban and safely entered East London harbour in the late afternoon.

Once it was ascertained that the crew was uninjured and the vessel was safe NSRI stood down at 17h00.


Released by:

Andrew Ingram
Sea Rescue Communications

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