Tuesday, 10 January 2012

SA National Severe Weather Warning: 10 January 2011 16h00 SAST

Current warning: Eastern Cape
Updated: 10/01/2012 16:10:16
Warning: Take action
Subject: Extremely uncomfortable and severe Thunderstorms
Detail: Valid for 11-01-2012: 1. Extremely uncomfortable, humid conditions are expected. 2. Severe thunderstorms are expected in places over the north-eastern parts.

Current warning: Free State
Updated: 10/01/2012 16:10:16
Warning: Take action
Subject: Heat Wave, Severe Thunderstorms
Detail: Valid for 11-01-2012: 1. Severe thunderstorms are expected in places. 2. Heat wave conditions over western parts.

Current warning: Gauteng
Updated: 10/01/2012 16:10:16
Watch: Be prepared
Subject: severe thunderstorms.
Detail: Valid for 11-01-2012: 1. Severe thunderstorms are expected.

Current warning: Kwazulu Natal
Updated: 10/01/2012 16:10:16
Warning: Take action
Subject: Extremely uncomfortable, humid conditions and Severe Thunderstorms
Detail: Valid for 11-01-2012: 1. Extremely uncomfortable, humid conditions are expected in the eastern parts. 2. Severe thunderstorms are expected in places in the west.

Current warning: Limpopo
Updated: 10/01/2012 16:10:16
Warning: Take action
Subject: Extremely uncomfortable
Detail: Valid for 11-01-2012: 1. Extremely uncomfortable, humid conditions are expected in the lowveld.

Current warning: Mpumalanga
Updated: 10/01/2012 16:10:16
Warning: Take action
Subject: Extremely uncomfortable and Severe Thunderstorms
Detail: Valid for 11-01-2012: 1. Extremely uncomfortable, humid conditions are expected in the lowveld. 2. Severe thunderstorms are expected on the highveld.

Current warning: North West Province
Updated: 10/01/2012 16:10:16
Warning: Take action
Subject: Heat Wave and severe thunderstorms.
Detail: Valid for 11-01-2012: 1. Heat wave condtions over western parts until Wednesday. 2. severe thunderstorms are expected in the eastern parts.

Current warning: Northern Cape
Updated: 10/01/2012 16:10:16
Warning: Take action
Subject: Heat Wave
Detail: Valid for 11-01-2012: 1. Heat wave condtions over northern and north astern parts until Wednesday

Current warning: Western Cape
Updated: 10/01/2012 16:10:16
Warning: Take action
Subject: Extremely uncomfortable and Veldfires
Detail: Valid for 11-01-2012: 1. Extremely uncomfortable, humid conditions are expected in the Breede river Valley and Karoo areas. 2. A high veld fire danger rating is expected over the West Coast District, Cape Metropole and Cape Winelands.


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