Thursday, 7 June 2012

George: Forest fire highlights threat

Alec Poynton’s photo of the fire in the forest on Saturday.

GEORGE NEWS - A fire in the forest at the foot of the mountain on Saturday, highlighted the threat to residents in the area. The fire comes two days after Denneoord resident Alec Poynton voiced his concern in an article in the George Herald, lamenting the lack of maintenance of firebreaks in the forests.

Poynton said the smoke of Saturday's fire was spotted by their neighbourhood watch and and a man from Eden Fire Services who was nearby brought it under control. The law enforcement department and fire services also reacted.

"There was clear evidence of this fire having started from what looks like a discarded cigarette. Evidence of fresh human faeces was nearby - clearly not the action of some innocent person out for a stroll." Poynton has been fighting for proper management of the forest for four years. "This incident emphasises the urgency of our situation. Fire breaks are needed and the threat is real," he said.

Tracey Erasmus commented on the George Herald Facebook page, "A plan needs to be made to remove those vagrants, as this was behind our neighbour's house over the road. Around his house are wooden homes directly next to the forest. If it was windy it would have been a disaster." The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) said that it was in the process of obtaining quotes for the creation of firebreaks.

* 'n Brand het Saterdag in die woud noord van Denneoord begin, maar is vinnig geblus danksy op-en-wakker buurtwaglede wat die rook opgemerk het. Dit is slegs twee dae nadat 'n inwoner 'n waarskuwing gerig het oor die gevaar in die woude weens die afwesigheid van brandbane.


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