Tuesday 24 January 2012

Medicopter airlifts boy after fall

A young boy and his mother apparently play almost every afternoon at the stadium in Vandebijlpark. Unfortunately, this afternoon, the 11 year old was injured after he apparently lost his footing while playing at the top of the steps.

The events are not totally clear, but paramedics were told that the boy was playing on the top steps of the stadium and may have lost his footing causing him to roll down all of the steps to the bottom. Approximately 100 steps down he landed at the bottom where paramedics found him with very serious injuries.

The ER24 Discovery Medicopter was called in to assist with the transportation of the young boy to hospital, and while paramedics stabilised the boys injuries the Medicopter booked en route. The boy was treated for a severely broken right arm and left leg and possible internal injuries from the fall, but luckily he was still conscious and in a stable condition.

The Medicopter landed on the field in the stadium and airlifted the boy to the Garden City Hospital in Johannesburg. Trauma staff were waiting the arrival of the Medicopter to initial immediate treatment to the inured boy.

Vanessa Jackson, ER24

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