Wednesday 28 March 2012

GFS Medium Range Forecasts of Vertical Velocity and Precipitation: 29 - 31 March 2012

U.S. National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Click on images for larger view.

SAWDOS: Request Weather Observation: Possible heavy rain for Thursday - Saturday (29 - 31 March 2012) along the Overberg, Southern Cape and Eastern Cape coastal areas of South Africa.

Heavy Rain is expected on Thursday through to Saterday along  the Overberg, Southern Cape and Eastern Cape coastal areas. Current models indicate a  low pressure system (cold front)  situated south west of Cape Town. This system is expected to move in over land tomorrow which could result in heavy showers of rain with possible localized flooding in the Overberg, Southern Cape and even parts of the Eastern Cape. It is still early to predict the exact outcome. The SAWDOS is keeping and eye on the system and will inform our readers of any further developments. Please report any heavy rain possible flooding, gale force winds, rough seas and wave heights to the SAWDOS in the event that this system develop over the next two days.Send information to:

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