Saturday 19 May 2012

Report of snow on the Swartberg Mountains near Oudtshoorn

The SAWDOS received the following report on it's Facebook pages of snow on the Swartberg Mountains:

Britz Francois wrote:
Die eerste sneeu le lekker dik op die Swartberge...en dit is baie koud op die dorp.

Janet Mcdonald-Belstead wrote: 
Didn't check the mountains this afternoon, but it is absolutely freezing in town (Oudtshoorn). I would not be surprised if there is snow on the caps - will check it out in the morning! Brrrr....

Janet Mcdonald-Belstead wrote:
Yip - a light dusting of snow on the mountains just north of Oudtshoorn. Winter's arrived early...

The SAWDOS Facebook pages can be viewed at the following link:

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