Wednesday 9 May 2012

Woman dies as protesters block ambulance

Johannesburg - Police were keeping watch on service delivery protests in two villages in North West on Tuesday afternoon.

Spokesman Brigadier Thulane Ngubane said protests erupted on Monday in Southey, the villages outside Ganyesa, and in Molopo, outside Vryburg.

"In Molopo, residents burnt down a bus, stoned police vehicles and some even stripped naked a soldier and stole his clothes. The situation was tense on Monday evening," he said.

"In Southey, the situation is volatile. A woman died because the unruly hooligans blocked an ambulance from getting to her while she was giving birth on Monday evening.

"The condition of the baby is unknown."

Ngubane said police were investigating claims that community members were plotting to destroy government property in Southey.

"No arrests have been made, but we expect to make many arrests soon. Police have been deployed and will stay in both areas to monitor the situation," he said.

Ngubane said roads in the areas had been blockaded and police vehicles stoned.

- SAPA/News24

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