Friday 22 June 2012

Poison database moving to Internet

WESTERN CAPE NEWS - The Poisons Information Centre at the Red Cross Children's Hospital in Cape Town is in the process of moving its database of poisons treatment for children and adults onto an online platform.

This vital information, which is on a CD-based system, will be easily accessible to medical practitioners and enable them to find the correct treatment for those affected by poison. Quicker diagnosis will be possible and ultimately there is a greater chance of saving lives.

In South Africa, children are most commonly exposed to medicines, however paraffin ingestion is a very common cause of poisoning in children from poorer communities. In adults, poisoning is more often self-inflicted or as a result of industrial accidents.

Moving the poison database of the Poisons Centre to the Internet will provide more doctors with direct access, assisting them in making faster diagnoses in incidents of poisoning.

- George Herald

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