Thursday 21 June 2012

SA Weather Satellite Images: 21 June 2012 07H00 - 07h15 SAST

Airmass is an RGB composite based upon data from infrared and water vapour channels from Meteosat Second Generation. It is designed and tuned to monitor the evolution of cyclones, in particular rapid cyclogenesis, jet streaks and PV (potential vorticity) anomalies. Due to the incorporation of the water vapour and ozone channels, its usage at high satellite viewing angles is limited. The Airmass RGB is composed from data from a combination of the SEVIRI WV6.2, WV7.3, IR9.7 and IR10.8 channels

The Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate (MPE) product consists of the near-real-time rain rates in mm/hr for each Meteosat image in original pixel resolution. The algorithm is based on the combination of polar orbiter microwave measurements and images in the Meteosat IR channel by a so-called blending technique. The MPE is most suitable for convective precipitation. Applications and Users: Operational weather forecasting in areas with poor or no radar coverage, especially in Africa and Asia.

Images: Eumetsat (Click on image for larger view.)

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