Monday 11 June 2012

When is the next lunar eclipse?

Partial eclipse June 4, 2012. Astronomer Alan Dyer took this photo from his home in southern Alberta, Canada. It was pre-dawn, near moonset. See more of Dyer's photos here. Image copyright Alan Dyer. Used with permission

There are two lunar eclipses in 2012 – the partial eclipse that took place on June 4, 2012 – plus a very subtle penumbral eclipse on November 28, 2012. Will you see the penumbral eclipse? It depends in part on your powers of observation. Some people swear they cannot detect a difference on the moon’s face, during a penumbral eclipse, even while the eclipse is in progress. Others will walk outside – unaware that an eclipse is happening – and say, “Gosh, what’s going on with the moon?!” The moon will go deeply into the penumbral shadow on November 28, 2012. So your chances of noticing something are good, if you’re on Earth’s night side at eclipse time.

More info and images:

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