Monday 23 July 2012

Gift of the Givers: Relief Aid


Greetings of Peace

Dear Recipients
It was exactly a year ago that we responded to the famine in Somalia.  One year on whilst still serving the Somali people we are now faced with an almost identical challenge in Yemen.

Political upheaval, clan conflict, random bombings, and now poor rainfall and a failed harvest resulting in escalating food prices and increasing levels of poverty has placed 10 million Yemenis on the brink of starvation.  Almost 300 000 Yemeni children (3 out of every 5) are severely  malnourished but the figures could be substantially higher.  Many children have died already with the chances of survival diminishing rapidly for those extremely ill unless international assistance is rapidly forthcoming.

Gift of the Givers has already commenced small scale feeding in the region but is preparing for a full scale emergency food and medical response with paediatricians, dietitians, emergency medicine specialists, primary health care nurses and general doctors.

Logistics around shipping, flights, ground support, hospital facilities, government co-operation, warehousing, internal transport, security (kidnapping of foreigners is common) and a range of related arrangements are fully in motion.

Medical volunteers wanting to be considered for this mission must email or text 0828723811.  Our medical co-ordinators will respond to you timeously.

Those wanting to support the campaign can make deposits into Gift of the Givers, Standard Bank, Pietermaritzburg, Acc No. 052278611, Branch Code 057525.  Please send copy of deposit slip by fax or email with contact details.  Details toll-free on 0800786911.

Imtiaz Sooliman
Cell: 083 236 4029

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