Tuesday 28 August 2012

Fukushima gamma ray danger

Vienna - Japanese officials reporting on the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster say that gamma rays from the rubble left by the accident are now a greater concern than radioactive cesium still being emitted from the crippled nuclear plant.

A report to an International Atomic Energy Agency meeting presented on Monday has found that cesium being released from the plant is at approximately 0.01 becquerels per hour, well below the health-hazard level.

Shinichi Kuroki, who presented the report, said the greater challenge is to reduce relatively high gamma ray radiation from the plant debris.

A powerful earthquake and tsunami hit the Fukushima plant 17 months ago, overwhelming its safety systems and spreading radioactivity over a large area.

IAEA chief Yukiya Amano urged delegates to maintain their "sense of urgency" on post-Fukushima nuclear safety.

- AP/News24

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