Monday 3 September 2012

George: Advanced fire-fighting course

SOUTHERN CAPE NEWS - An advanced course in wildfire assessment and control will be presented by Forerstry Solutions. The course, on October 16 to 18, will include information on the use of fire to fight fire.

The course is aimed at fire managers and disaster managers in the Fynbos Biome.

The course will be presented in George at Pine Lodge Resort by Dr Neels de Ronde, one of the leading fire experts, both in South Africa and globally.

This first course will be based on knowledge of fynbos vegetation, the main natural vegetation type for the Cape regions. However, fuel models and examples will not be restricted to fynbos, but also cover forestry, conservation (with or without invaders) and agricultural sectors with practical examples.

For more information, contact Ronalda McEwan on 083 2671317.

- George Herald

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