Tuesday 4 September 2012

Relief Aid: Gift of the Givers

Greetings of Peace

Dear Recipients

Thank you for your support in sending emergency food aid to Yemen a few weeks ago.  The first 16 containers carrying 320 tons of supplies arrive in the Port of Hodeidah this week.  Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the world where 15 million people go to bed hungry every night.

We have had wonderful co-operation from the Office of the Prime Minister in Yemen, the International Relations department, the various Governors and many other branches of the Yemeni government. 

Gift of the Givers is now registered as an international charity in Yemen, have opened an office there and have received all waivers on customs, duty and all taxes.  The second batch of 15 containers carrying 300 tons of supplies are being loaded this week.  Those still wanting to participate can contribute rice, tinned fish, oil, beans, flour, sugar and spaghetti or make cash contributions in the usual manner.

Imtiaz Sooliman

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