Saturday 3 November 2012

Update: Missing Aircraft: Mozambique

Image: Google Maps edited by SAWDOS.

Latest: The services of SANSA has been called in to assist with the S&R. They will be looking at satellite images that might indicate the presence of strange objects, a disturbance on the ground or to tree tops. Resolutions from 2,5 cm to 2,5 meters. Further assistance will be flown in from Cape Town to assist in the S&R. As you will appreciate that any search and rescue mission rely heavily on funding. Although the majority of the team are made up by volunteers, there is still equipment that need to be purchased and other unforeseen expenses. These are not covered by government and need to be privately sourced. If you feel that you want to make a contribution you are most welcome to deposit an amount in the Santjie White Fund account:

Please use “Santjie” as your reference.

Nedbank Brits
Br 187-646
A/c 1876 019840

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