Sunday, 16 December 2012

SAPS, Sea Ports Richards Bay and NSRI exercise

A joint exercise at the International mooring at Tuzi-Gazi Waterfront. The training exercise was organised by NSRI station commander Conel Du Toit and Sector Commander Captain David Spangenberg, and participation of TNPA facilities. The exercise was to promote the working relationship between the two organisations, and to test the first aid capabilities of members of the NSRI of station 19, and to reinforce best practices.

The exercise consisted of two scenarios in close proximity of one another, one being a injury on board a harbour Tug that was caused by an explosion. The other was a member of a commercial vessel that fell down a hatch of the SAPS vessel “Inkosozana”.

The medical part of this exercise was to create real life scenarios and to establish the following; Scene assessment, Scene risk aassessment, Patient assessment, Patient treatment, Patient extrication, and techniques and Patient handover.

The exercises lasted until about 20:30, where after all members that partook in the exercise debriefed at the NSRI Base Richards Bay. At the debriefing all role players and members that partook in this exercise, were present and a thorough debriefing was held to establish areas of need to improve as well as best practises. Input was shared to ensure that all parties learned out of this exercise.

The exercise was of great value to the NSRI as well as the SAPS, to promote working relationships, understanding of one another’s capabilities as well as work situation. These exercises cannot be replaced by any form of class room teaching and is imperative to do on regular intervals, as this is a great learning curve.

The “casualty” being lifted to the quay side. Picture Brynn Gericke.

The “casualty” being carried off the boat. Picture Brynn Gericke.


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