This bulletin was prepared and produced by Francois Botha – ZS6BUU
HAMNET (IARU Region 1) dedicated emergency communication frequencies are:-
80m band – 3,760 MHz, 40m band, 7,110 MHz. 20m band – 14,300 MHz.
HAMNET conforms to and abides by the IARU discipline of engaging in emergency communication locally and worldwide during and after disasters as internationally Amateur Radio is regarded as a National Resource!
HAMNET, as a group of volunteers, supports Disaster Risk Management in South Africa and serves on the sub committee of the South African Search & Rescue Organisation – SASAR!
It is recommended that when becoming a member of HAMNET, you also become an SARL member to abide by and conform to the IARU International and HAMNET rules regarding emergency communication!
All HAMNET information is available on alternatively just follow the link! Weekly updates are supplied to Amateur Radio Today on Sunday’s and a monthly bulletin is supplied to members and available on the SARL website and as a podcast!
You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter
The merger or amalgamation of SAWDOS (South African Weather and Disaster Observation Service) and HAMNET, on Facebook, are now under discussion with Johan Terblanche, ZS1I and ZS6BUU as well as Kobus Botha, ZS6KOB who runs the website.
Kobus has offered HAMNET space on his website and Johan and Francois are discussing how the merger of the two Facebook and Twitter sites can take place over a period of time.
In a separate report later in this bulletin, Hamnet will be taken over by a ‘team’ and Francois, will maintain an interest and supporting role by way of the merger of the two aforementioned sites.
This has a long term benefit. The merger will be a good platform for the man in the street to get more insight into amateur radio and at the same time, have access to a site that highlights ‘real time’ weather conditions in South Africa.
In the USA, they have an excellent system called ‘SKYWARN’. This system does not exist in South Africa. But, with the combination of SAWDOS and HAMNET, we are actually creating such a system whereby both amateur radio operators as well as followers of SAWDOS can contribute to a site that gives us more and better information into weather conditions in our country.
Johan and I approached the South African Weather Service on many occasions in an effort to get them to participate in such a venture or project. Their response was deafening!
HAMNET, once the merger is complete, will fill this gap which will have access to Radio and Media for information and reports on weather conditions in our country especially during the summer months as well as winter. Snow is occurring more often than before and sometimes with annoying if not uncomfortable situations.
We put up a ‘teaser’ on Facebook to measure response to such a venture, and the feedback was very positive.
Systems are now being developed to launch this ‘real time’ weather – and other disaster site, in South Africa and you will be informed on a regular basis of progress! The Media will also be informed of this new venture across the country once all is in place!
As usual, this coming March April again presents a number of long weekends and school holidays.
The Easter Weekend commences Thursday evening the 28th of March and ends Tuesday morning the 2nd of April. Coastal schools close 28 March and reopen 8 April whereas the inland schools close the 20th of March and reopens on 9 April. This means that the Easter Weekend in all Provinces falls within school holidays and that means there will probably be a lot of traffic on the roads!
The 27th of April is also a public holiday and with the 1st of May falling on the following Wednesday, we anticipate that many who did not make use of the Easter weekend will use this weekend for a break. Those who have children at school will use Easter, those with no children will use the alternative!
Hamnet in all cases will be monitoring our emergency frequencies but this time around I want us to make more use of 10,125 MHz in the 30m band. This is an excellent all round band and really suits the slightly longer distances between Gauteng and the Western Cape.
An announcement is in the offing regarding the position of National Director. At the Strategic Planning meeting held on Friday and Saturday 22 and 23 February at the NARC, this item was discussed fully and a proposal was put forward regarding the gradual take-over of this position over a period of time.
Francois will continue until such time as the full Hamnet operations is in the hands of the new incumbent. The announcement will in all probability be in the April Bulletin when my tenure as Councillor expires at the AGM. The new team will be meeting after the AGM to discuss the way forward!
Comments suggestions and contributions please contact or send to: or or at 011 679-5260 or 083 585-3847. Fax 086-580.6110.
Bulletin Ends.
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