Friday 20 January 2012


OUDTSHOORN NEWS - The past week or so has seen the mercury soar towards the forties with humidity above seventy per cent not really making things easier for man and beast. And February still lies ahead.

Many farmers scoff at the official figures of the weather bureau, saying meteorologists are welcome to come and take readings on their farms, where temperatures often reach middle to deep forties. An unconfirmed report has it that a district near Paarl registered 48°C on Monday.

On Monday night the Oudts-hoorn/De Rust area experienced an uncharacteristic electric storm over the Swartberg with a few drops of rain falling in the intense heat. It was surreal watching the lightning boogying between the clouds and mountains. A consummate exhibition of the complete and utter power of nature, and the light, sound and fury which no human forces could control.

The heat was so intense on Monday that cold water taps had to be run for several minutes on Tuesday morning to get rid of the hot water that had accumulated in the cold water pipes of residences in De Rust.

The stifling heat is reminiscent of the heat wave Oudtshoorn experienced on Wednesday 2 February 2005, when temperatures soared to an official 43,5°C (some say it was closer to 50°C). Between 1000 and 2000 ostriches died from the heat in the Oudtshoorn district, which remained above 40°C deep into that night. Farmers should take precautions to stave off a similar tragedy, as soaring temperatures are surely on the cards from now on, come what may. The dust devils are starting to pirouette their evil little dances already in acknowledgement of the hazardous heat ahead.

- Oudtshoorn Courant

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