Friday 20 January 2012

Life guard saves blue bottle victim

MOSSEL BAY NEWS - "How do you say thank you to someone who had just been instrumental in saving your son’s life?"

That was the question that Abdul Kader Jamalie from Cape Town kept on repeating on Sunday evening after a young lifeguard from Mossel Bay, Ruan Meyer (18) had been instrumental in saving the life of the nine year old Abduraghiem Jamalie from Lansdowne.

Abduraghiem and his two sisters and brother had been playing on the sand and in the surf at Diaz beach on Sunday when he was stung by a blue bottle.

Abduraghiem, who is allergic to iodine, went into a state of shock and developed major breathing problems.

Ruan, a Point High School pupil and member of the squad that will be taking part in the South African Surf Championships during March, was on the beach after an official practice earlier that day. He was soaking up the sun when his attention was drawn to the agonising screams of Abduraghiem. He saw Abduraghiem’s dad picking him up in his arms and running to the parking area with him.

Ruan ran to the restaurant and returned with vinegar to sooth the sting, but on his return he realised that the boy had gone into shock and that he was having difficulties in breathing.

He grabbed the boy and told Abduraghiem’s dad to drive them to the hospital. In between giving directions he also did some resuscitation in order to help Abduraghiem breath.

At the hospital it was established that Abduraghiem was allergic to iodine and that if it had not been for Ruan’s intervention and cool headedness the story could have turned out rather differently.

- Mossel Bay Advertiser

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