Friday 20 January 2012

More flooding in southeast regions of the country

The Department of Water Affairs has warned people living downstream of dams in Southern Mozambique, Mpumalanga and Swaziland of more floods as dams overflow.

A disaster management team is in Mpumalanga, helping local authorities restore basic services to communities.

An estimated five lives were lost, while thousands more were severely affected by the first tropical storm to hit southern Mozambique since 1984.

Tropical storm Dando hit the region on Sunday leaving behind destruction and flooding.

Officials said the Komati and Crocodile River have risen substantially in the past week, but have not burst their banks.

Currently, the Driekoppies Dam is overflowing, while the Maguga Dam on the Komati River in Swaziland is almost 100 percent full.

Affected communities have been urged to move to higher ground.

Meanwhile, the Sabie River at the Kruger National Park gate is currently subsiding.

Officials say the park is now 80 percent functional.


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