Wednesday 28 March 2012

Boy (14) critical after near drowning

A fourteen-year-old boy is fighting for his life in a Durban hospital after a near drowning incident in a Montclair swimming pool.

Reports indicate that a lifeguard spotted the motionless teen at the bottom of the pool while on patrol. He immediately dived in and pulled the unresponsive boy out of the water before staring CPR.

Netcare911 and provincial paramedics arrived at the scene and took over advanced life support resuscitation under the leadership of the provincial advanced life support paramedic.

A marathon resuscitation started with ten paramedics working hand in hand fighting to save the life of the boy.

After over an hour child’s heart spontaneously started to beat. Medics place him on a ventilator and after skillfully immobilised him before he was transported to the King Edward VIII hospital for the treatment that he required.

- Netcare911

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