Sunday 18 March 2012

SA National Severe Weather Warning: 18 March 2011

The SA Weather Service's severe weather warnings for today is still misleading and confusing to the public. It has not been updated at 04h00 this morning and still reflect yesterday's confusing warnings. The SAWS map show no advisories, watches or warnings in effect. The summary section indicate Heavy swell for the Eastern Cape and Western Cape but if you go to the individual warnings for the Eastern and Western Cape the subject area indicate that there is a heavy swell. Now this cause confusion and is misleading. Is there a heavy swell advisory/watch/warning in effect for the Eastern Cape and Western Cape. Only the SAWS will really know. It is not clear what the SA Weather Service wants to convey to the public. Eish this has happened in the past over weekends and they still cannot get this sorted. The SAWDOS is of the opinion that the public must not only rely on the SAWS for severe weather warnings.

I have said it many times in the past. Maybe SAWS should return to the old format for severe weather warnings. Just use plain text like all other countries in the world. 

End result: No confusion or misleading of the public.


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