Sunday, 18 March 2012

Skydiver fights for life after Hartebeespoort plunge

A skydiver is fighting for his life in the Netcare Union Hospital after a skydive east of Hartebeespoort went awry this morning.

The cause of the incident and the series of events preceding it remain unclear.

Common cause information indicates that the skydivers chute had become entangled on a rocky outcrop. Mountain Rescue personnel responded to the area and initiated a search for the man, who was found still hanging upside down.

They called for air support from the Netcare1 Aeromedical Helicopter. The helicopter touched down in a clearing approximately two hundred meters from the crash site and the trauma doctor and flight paramedic hiked to the patient.

The man was in a critical condition, having sustained severe head and spinal trauma. He was intubated and placed on a manual ventilator, and was fully immobilised to prevent further injury. He was then carried to the helicopter which airlifted him to the specialist hospital.

Jeffrey Wicks
Media Liaison Officer - Gauteng
Netcare Limited
Netcare 911

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