Friday 18 May 2012

Pa skiet per ongeluk sy kind dood

'n Pa van Lyttelton, Centurion, het vroeg vanoggend sy 7-jarige dogtertjie per ongeluk tydens 'n huisrooftog in die kop geskiet.

Daar word beweer die pa het die honde hoor blaf en op die trappe na die grondvloer 'n rower aangetref.

Volgens die polisie het hy terug na sy slaapkamer gehardloop, die deur toegeslaan en sy rewolwer uit die kluis gehaal.

Sy dogtertjie het intussen wakker geword en wou by haar ouers se slaapkamer ingegaan het.

Toe sy aan die deurknop gevat het, het haar pa gedink dit is die rower wat wil inkom en hy het 'n skoot deur die deur afgevuur, volgens die polisie.

Hy het die deur oopgemaak en sy dogtertjie op die grond aangetref.

Die rowers, waarvan daar volgens ooggetuies glo tot vyf kon wees, het intussen gevlug.

Die meisie se ouers het haar na die Unitas-hospitaal geneem, maar sy het by die hospitaal aan haar wond beswyk.

Geen van die rowers is na wat verneem word al aangekeer nie.

- Beeld

Dad accidentally kills daughter in robbery

Johannesburg - A Centurion man accidentally shot dead his young daughter on Friday morning when their house was broken into, Gauteng police said.

Lieutenant Colonel Lungelo Dlamini said the man was awoken by a commotion at his house on Glover Street.

"He went upstairs to fetch his firearm and while he was there, he heard the commotion again near the door. He fired a shot which hit and injured his... daughter," said Dlamini.

"She was taken to hospital in a critical condition, where she died. We have opened a case of culpable homicide."

Dlamini said the five robbers fled the premise with a handbag, which belonged to the man's wife. No arrests had been made.

Beeld newspaper reported that the father had heard dogs bark, went downstairs to investigate and spotted a robber in the house, in the early hours of Friday morning.

He ran back up to his bedroom, slammed the door and took his firearm from the safe. At that stage, his 7-year-old daughter had woken up and wanted to go into her parent's bedroom.

When she turned the door knob, her father thought it was one of the intruders and fired a shot.

He opened the door and found her lying there. According to Beeld she had been shot in the head.


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