Wednesday 9 May 2012

Greetings of Peace

Dear Recipients

It's that time of the year again where hunger and cold collectively causes intolerable suffering to already compromised men, women and children throughout our country. The years of travel through every corner of South Africa has exposed the unbelievable poverty, the cold floors, the absence of food, shoes, clothing, blankets and heating in general. We've even experienced death through hunger as witnessed in the Verdwaal region last year. Winter Warmth to us is not only about the distribution of new quality blankets but the distribution of new shoes, clothing, scarves, beanies, jerseys and whatever we can acquire that keeps people warm. The distribution of hot nutritious meals at the various sites where recipients collect their blankets undeniably confirms the necessity to combine feeding with blanket distribution. The sight of so many hungry and malnourished individuals not only in rural areas but within city metro's that boast huge economies is inconsistent with the wealth and resources that South Africa possesses.

Our 2012 Winter Warmth campaign launches in 3rd Street, Alexandra tomorrow at 1pm. We have opted not to have an exclusive media partner as many media nationally have expressed a willingness to participate in this year's programme which will be rolled out throughout South Africa as is standard practice with us. Generous offers of new quality blankets and cash to purchase the blankets that Gift of the Givers procures and distributes at a cost of R50 each have already started streaming in. Dali Tambo (People of the South), Talk Radio 702, Highveld 94.7, Alex fm and several media will be at the launch. The campaign then moves to Limpopo on Thursday, 10 May 2012, with full participation from Capricorn fm and other interested groups.

Corporates, smaller companies, professionals, individuals and various groups that usually support our campaign can continue to do as in previous years, contributing R50 per blanket or donating new blankets, clothes, food and related items. Cash contributions to Gift of the Givers, Standard Bank, A/C 052137228, Branch Code 057525. For details on the Alex launch contact Allauddin on Cel. 0836677179. All other details or 0800786777.

Imtiaz Sooliman
Cel. 0832364029

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