Friday 20 July 2012

Severe weather warnings issued – Capetonians to brace themselves for very cold conditions as temperatures plummet

The City of Cape Town’s Disaster Risk Management Centre together with its supporting disaster response agencies and public safety authorities are on high alert following warning messages relating to severe weather conditions expected for the weekend 20 – 22 July 2012 issued by the South African Weather Service.

The sequence of weather events will be as follows:

· Winds: Strong North-westerly winds expected today Friday and tomorrow Saturday moderating slightly over the interior in the evening and strengthening by early morning into the strong category, reaching gale force winds have been forecast only in places along the coast between Hout Bay and Cape Agulhas tomorrow Saturday, spreading to deep sea areas of South Coast by evening.south of Cape Point.

· Rainfall starts today Friday over the Cape persisting into tomorrow clearing from Sunday morning. No indication of heavy falls, just good rainfall amounts especially near mountains of the south-western Cape.

· Temperatures drop significantly to an average maximum of 14 degrees centigrade over the south-western Cape and close to 10 degrees and below over the western high-ground of the Western and Northern Cape Provinces with a warning of very cold conditions in place for the weekend. Freezing levels indicated to fall down 5000 feet; so snow- falls are only likely on the higher mountain ranges of the Boland and therefore does not justify a “warning” condition.

· Sea state will increase to approximately 4.5meters in exposed ocean areas between Cape Columbine and Plettenberg Bay; subsiding on Sunday.

An appeal is made to Capetonians to exercise extreme caution during these weather conditions and to heed the following advisories:

* slow down and maintain safe following distances on roadways

* dress warmly if you are out in the cold to protect yourself against the weather elements

* when you are sick and especially when a person has contracted influenza (flu) to consult with the your local clinic, hospital or private medical practitioner for medical attention

* keep a watchful eye on open flames, fires and to extinguish it before going to bed; including candles, lamps and paraffin stoves

The South African Weather Service will keep the City’s Disaster Risk Management Centre informed regarding the conditions and further advice will be made available if and when required.

Any emergency and/or distress call can be reported to the 107 emergency number from a Telkom line in the event life or property is endangered in order to be transferred to the nearest relevant emergency service provider. Cellphone users need to dial 021 480 7700. The sooner you phone, the sooner help will arrive.

Flooding, blocked drains and service disruptions can be reported to the City’s Customer Contact Centre at 0860 10 30 89. Enquiries and/or complaints regarding burst and leaking water mains, faulty and leaking water meters, blocked and overflowing sewers can also be sent via SMS to 31373. Enquiries and/or complaints regarding electricity fault reporting can be sent via SMS to 31220.

The City’s Transport Information Centre can be contacted on 0800 65 64 63 regarding delays on roadways and deviations.

Note to Editors:

Weather maps indicating various meteorological features as provided by the South African Weather Service can be made available on request


Issued by: Communication Department, City of Cape Town

Wilfred Schrevian Evan Solomons-Johannes
Head: Systems Integration, Special Projects
Acting Head: Disaster Operations Centre

SAWDOS: Now the above shows that Disaster Management in the Western Cape is doing what is expected from them. Congratulations to all those involved an keep up the good work.

NOTE: The SAWDOS is however concerned about contradictory statements regarding severe weather. It would appear from the previous post available HERE, that no severe weather is expected but in the above article severe weather warnings has been issued.  Both statements seems to come from the SA Weather Service.

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