Sunday 9 December 2012

HAMNET Weekly Report 9/12/2012

Typhoon ‘Bopha’  hit The Philippines earlier this week uprooting trees, downing power lines, sparking landslides and making 40,000 people head for shelters, but the Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA) had its ham emergency radio operations (HERO) working when the typhoon struck the southern Philippines.

Claiming more than 300 human lives, it was the strongest of 16 typhoons in the country this year. Tthe typhoon nicknamed Pablo had heavy rain and wind gusts up to 210km/h. This report from Jim Linton, VK3PC, Mike DJ9OZ and Greg, G0DUB, IARU Region One coordinator!

PARA was using all available means of communication like HF and VHF radio, the internet and social media (Facebook, e-mail, Echolink) to monitor the situation and give updates to all concerned.

RADNET 5, a local club of amateur radio operators in Tacloban City, was very active in helping provide the city with vital communications links.

It was in constant coordination with the City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council.  So far, 5,700 families have been evacuated from Saint Bernard.

The Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA) had emergency communications on 40 metres 7095 MHz and VHF as the typhoon made landfall on Tuesday at North Davao in Mindanao. It left a large footprint of damage before exiting the country.

PARA was disappointed that its emergency use of 7095 MHz was not honoured by other radio amateurs, who disturbed its operation by testing equipment on air, tuning up, sending digital signals and sometimes even trying to make contact as if it was a DX activity.

A standard text will clearly identify emergency nets in future, as a worldwide reminder is issued not to QRM emergencies or training exercises. With the typhoon leaving the region of country's area of responsibility, the PARA HERO activity is now winding down!

National Traffic System Co-chairman, Roberto C. Vicencio DU1VHY thanked everyone who participated in the endeavour, and they did very well, exceeding all expectations.

Reporting for Hamnet, this is Francois Botha, ZS6BUU

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