Thursday 10 January 2013

Paraglider dies in Bantry Bay

A man in his 40′s has been killed after he crashed into the perimeter wall of a house on Alexandra street in Bantry Bay this afternoon while he was paragliding.

The neighbours called the paramedics, who arrived on the scene to find the man lying on the pavement. His equipment was still attached to him and paramedics quickly cut him free and started resuscitation efforts.

Sadly, the man’s injuries were too severe and there was nothing more that could be done to save his life and he was later declared dead.

The details surrounding the incident are not yet known and will be investigated by local authorities.

- ER24

1 comment:

  1. we have paragliding good courses:

    P1 & P2

    Paragliding Basic Course Student Pilot 7 Days

    Paragliding Intermediate Course Trainee Pilot 10 flying days
    Paragliding Advanced Course Club Pilot 15 flying days
