Monday 25 June 2012

Pretoria shack residents salvage remains

PRETORIA - Dozens of shack-dwellers in western Pretoria are still salvaging what they can from the remains of their informal settlement after it was gutted by a fire on Sunday.
About 50 households lost their homes and belongings when the fire swept through the shacks on Bremmer Street.

The Tshwane Municipality relocated affected residents to nearby containers which were converted into living units.

Men and women waded through piles of corrugated iron over charcoal to look for items that were worth saving.

Vincent Mahlangu said he, like many others here, lost things he cannot replace easily.

“I had left my ID inside my house. When I came back I saw the fire.”

Aubrey Raudzingana said temporary accommodation provided by the municipality was not enough.

“I have my wife and children, the containers are too small for the whole family.”

Local charities provided food and blankets to the residents.

But the long term prospects looks bleak for the residents.


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