Friday 7 September 2012

Cars Washed Away In Waterfall

Occupants of two light motor vehicles were extremely lucky to escape injury after their cars were washed off a small bridge on Valley Drive that connects Waterfall and Cresthome this morning.

ER24 paramedics rushed out to the scene and found the two light motor vehicles in the river but some distance apart from one another. The occupants of the vehicles were found safely on the side of the road. They were unharmed and just wet and cold. They would go and see their own doctor if they needed further medical assistance.

Due to the extensive rain we are experiencing, here are some safety tips and guide lines to follow if you need to travel on the road today.

1. Do not drive unless absolutely necessary.

2. Do not drive through flooded areas. If you see a flooded road ahead, turn around and find another alternative route to get too your destination.

3. Even if the water appears shallow enough to cross, don’t try it. Water hides dips in the road. Worse yet, there may be no road at all under the water. Flooding can scour away the entire road surface and a significant amount of ground beneath.

4. If you stall your car and you can’t start it, get out of immediately and get to safety as quickly as possible.

- ER24

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